
August 4, 2015

Big Box of Good

big box of good
I’m on a charity kick. I have been moving (therefore cleansing my life of everything I’m not attached to) and have been getting a real thrill from every trip I take to donate something new.

When Send It Now asked if I wanted to do a little more do-gooding, I could hardly say no.

Along with a few fellow bloggers, we are using the Send It Now service to pass around a Big Box of Good – each adding a sentimental item – which will eventually make a trip to the PDSA to raise money for the hugely deserving veterinary charity.

I’ve added my pristine House of Dereon leopard print dress (Beyonce animal print seemed hugely appropriate!) and can’t wait to see what good it will do.

Follow @sendit_now on Twitter to watch all the bloggers’ donations unfold!

big box of good

Posted in Fashion, LifestyleTaggs: